
A cat made of pottery. ふち猫

I tried to made a cat who put on the edge of a cup.
It is a pottery. That is one of the items which is getting popular in Japan.
It's known Hutineko,as same as Ms,Hutikoふち子さん is a women who put on the edge of a cup.
That is a toy in Japan. I would say a cup is hang with a cat rather than putting it on.

Basically you can not buy it a shop.
Do you know "Gatya pon"ガチャポン?I need to explain about that.

"Gatya pon" is a vending machine to get a toy for little kids in Japan.The small toy is in plastic ball.
The name is the sound when the ball would be moving out of the machine.
There are so many sort of toys in it.Ms,Hutiko and Hutineko are some of these toys what are popular.
Of course these are not made of pottery.

So how use it?
It is no use. It would be just for playing.
You can hang it any cup and enjoy to see it. It's a cute.

今回はちょっと陶器で「ふち猫」を 作ってみました。

